3 Ways Your Dermatologist Can Help You Achieve Beautiful Skin

Posted on: 20 February 2019


Your skin is the largest organ on your body, and as such, it's one of the biggest indicators of your health. Glowing, clear, beautiful skin telegraphs good health, making you look more attractive to the people you meet. If you're interested in improving your skin's appearance, there are many home remedies available to you. Drinking more water, using gentle skincare products, and keeping your face clean are all great ways to clear up your skin. However, sometimes your skin needs extra help. Here are three ways your dermatologist can help you use cosmetic dermatology to achieve beautiful skin:

1. Prescription topical treatments

If you struggle with acne, you're probably familiar with most of the over-the-counter acne treatments available. Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are common treatments that can help with mild to moderate acne. However, your dermatologist can prescribe you more effective topical treatments that require a prescription. Your dermatologist will assess your skin, and based on your symptoms, they'll come up with a treatment plan that's right for you. They may decide to put you on adapalene or tretinoin, common prescription medications for acne.

2. Oral medication

In some cases, your acne may have an underlying cause that topical treatments can't cure. In this case, your dermatologist may prescribe oral medication. If your acne is caused by imbalanced hormones, your dermatologist may prescribe you spironolactone, which is an androgen-blocker. This medication can help to regulate your hormones to reduce acne around your chin and jawline, the areas most commonly associated with hormonal acne. If you have severe acne that doesn't respond to other treatments, your doctor may prescribe Accutane. This is a powerful anti-acne medication that can clear up almost any acne. Your dermatologist will monitor your health for side effects while you're on these medications.

3. Scar reduction

If you're older, you may no longer deal with acne. Unfortunately, acne can leave scars that last a lifetime without proper intervention. If you have acne scars that bother you, a cosmetic dermatologist can help. There are many in-office treatments your dermatologist can use to reduce or remove your acne scars. Chemical peels are one way to reduce scarring; this treatment works by using mild acid to remove the top layers of your skin. Laser treatment may be necessary for deeper scars, since these scars affect the lower layers of your skin. See your dermatologist for a consultation to find out which scar reduction treatment is right for you.