Just A Bit About Botox

Posted on: 10 June 2022


Botox is, for the most part, considered to be a cosmetic treatment for the natural effects of aging on the upper half of your face. There are some medical issues that may be alleviated with the use of Botox that are approved. Other cosmetic applications are not approved by the FDA. If you are considering having Botox treatments you need to understand what it is, what it does, and what to expect in regards to the cosmetic uses. Here is some information to get you started.

What Is Botox?

Botox is the trademarked name for a neurotoxin containing the C. botulinum bacteria. You may find your doctor uses another brand with a different name, but it will have the same results. This bacteria can be found in dirt, lakes, and the intestines of animals. When used in the proper amounts and in the proper way, it is relatively harmless.

What it Does

It acts to stop nerve signals that would normally cause a muscle to contract. In doing so, it keeps you from making movements that create lines and wrinkles on your upper face. The toxin is injected into the muscles you want to paralyze. 

What to Expect

As the Botox injections are inserted, you will feel a bit of pain. You may also hear some strange sounds as the toxin enters the muscles. You may want to have an icepack for the area for an hour or so to minimize pain, swelling, and bruising. Your doctor will have specific instructions on things you cannot do for the next 24 hours to allow the Botox to get into the right muscles and not move around. After the first 24 hours, you can return to normal activities and movements.

Don't be surprised if you do not notice any results for a few days. In fact, it is common to not get the full results for a few weeks. However, as the muscle is no longer contracting, you will notice the lines on your forehead, around your eyes, or between your eyebrows will begin to soften. Once a few weeks have passed you will see just how much they have softened. If your lines are deep or you have had them for a long time, additional treatments may be required to achieve the results you want.

The results will last anywhere from 3 to 4 months on average. You can then have the treatment redone to keep the results. You may also ask for some adjustments to get the exact results you want.